This Fall at The Practice

Practices for the Suburban Stronghold —– Nearly everyone I know – including my wife and I – wrestle with the busyness, noise, and the complexity of modern life. The rush and racket feel relentless and overwhelming at times. Many of us are just...

Four Weeks of Community

Practicing and Becoming Community Our next four weeks together… —– Over the last couple months, we’ve begun re-arranging our lives to put Jesus’ words into practice. If you’re like me, it’s been three steps forward and two...

Catching up on the last Three Weeks

By God’s grace, some things have really come together over the last three weeks and we’re getting ready to explore our first shared “rule of life”.  Two reasons I’m writing this today… First, if you want to catch up on the last...

Four Weeks of Action and Contemplation

For the next four weeks, we will immerse ourselves in practices that help us become people of action and contemplation.  Most of us lean to one side or the other, right? We are naturally activistic (and often exhausted) or naturally reflective (and often...