For the next four weeks, we will immerse ourselves in practices that help us become people of action and contemplation.  Most of us lean to one side or the other, right? We are naturally activistic (and often exhausted) or naturally reflective (and often self-oriented). But must we be either/or?

It’s no surprise that Jesus lived and invited us into a third way: To be prayerful activists. Engaged mystics. Grounded zealots. A community of humble courage, learning how to tangibly love God and everyone else.

Please join us as we practice, learn, stumble, and practice some more. We are not content to remain weary activists or isolated contemplatives, but we long to follow Jesus into the deeper streams of Both.  May His unforced rhythm of Grace lead us in every way.

And we’ll get to join up with a few friends…


On April 27th, my friend Jon Huckins will present a theology of peacemaking that teaches “Peacemaking is the mission of God and is the vocation of God’s people. It’s central to what it means to be a follower of Jesus.” And as we follow this theme throughout the scriptures and Story of God, Jon will offer four practices that can help us become peacemakers in our everyday lives.

On May 4th, I’m thrilled to partner with Father Michael Sparough, my spiritual director. From his Jesuit training – deeply grounded in both action and contemplation – Fr Michael will guide us through the practice that anchors his life and faith: the prayer of Examen. This is a prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern His direction for us.

On May 11th, our own Kellye Fabian will tell the beautifully tumultuous story of how God lead her – through grace and pain – to become a contemplative activist. Few people live the both/and as deeply as Kellye. And she will guide us through a number of stories and practices that help us all find ourselves on the continuum and live in the holy balance.

On May 18th, we will look back and begin to discern how God is calling us into lives of contemplation and action – both individually and as a tribe. This will be a night of reflection, story-telling, and much celebration!