This coming Sunday night – August 10th – is our one “summer Practice” gathering in the Chapel.  Please join us, 7-9pm!  We’ll begin with an extended time of worship, scripture, and prayer for the world. I don’t know about you, but the current state of our world has been weighing deeply on me this summer (Gaza, Ukraine, ISIS, etc), and I’m looking forward to lifting our brothers and sisters up in prayer with all of you. Whether your heart is heavy or hope-filled (or a mix of both), let’s bring the fullness of who we are to these prayers, songs, and intercessions. Amen. Which brings to mind the words of this great hymn…

This is my Father’s world.
O let me ne’er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my father’s world!
The battle is not done;
Jesus who died,
shall be satisfied,
And earth and heav’n be one.

Father Michael leading The Examen

Father Michael leading The Examen

And then our friend Father Michael Sparough will guide us through the Jesuit practice of The Prayer of Imagination.  If you’ve never experienced Fr Michael or this practice before, prepare to go on a powerful journey with God.  Many of you have said that Fr Michael’s visit to The Practice in May was profoundly moving.  It sure was for me too.  (You can listen to it here).  What a gift for us to be lead by such a godly and gifted spiritual director.

Communion Table

Communion Table

Finally, as is our practice, we will end the night by gathering around the central practice of our faith: Holy Communion. Because our hope is Jesus Christ. We don’t trust in violence, power, or even politics to bring peace; we trust in the power and grace of Christ. We don’t trust in our own abilities to fix ourselves and become the people God made us to be; we trust in the power and grace of Christ. There are many things we can and must do, but our faith is in God alone. Hallelujah.

So please join us!  Everyone is welcome.

Grace and Peace,