[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Dear friends,

We’re excited to share with you the following resources to help you deepen and better explore the journey we’ve started on together- aligning our rhythms with God and practicing a rhythm of silence. Don’t forget to read Chapter Two in Ruth Haley Barton’s book Sacred Rhythms, to hear her weave the rhythm of silence into our daily lives.

As for our resources this week, I’m especially excited to share three incredible videos by Ruth Haley Barton and Ian Cron. They are wonderfully wise voices, and their insight into silence is so valuable, what a gift that we can watch them share their heart in such an intimate setting from the comfort of our computer screens – I highly recommend you take some time in your week to give them a view.

Below you’ll see the resource tabs for this week covering recommended books, videos and podcasts – all focused on the themes of rhythm, desire and silence. Check them out and enjoy.

Grace and Peace to you,

Jenna & The Practice Team



Recommended Resources 



This week we recommend you read Chapter two of this book to dive into Ruth’s thoughts on Silence as a Sacred Rhythm

This book is an even deeper dive into the practice of silence. If you are particularly resonating with practicing a rhythm of silence, or if you’ve been unsure of how to really unpack and incorporate it into your life – this is a great resource for you.





During our second week this series – Ruth Haley Barton helped us connect to our desire and how important it is for living out the Kingdom of God. In the most recent four podcast episodes of his podcast, Dan Allender (noted counselor and victimologist) has been dealing with the Design of Desire. This podcast series is all about the desire rooted deep in our humanity—where it comes from, how it manifests in our lives, and the war that is constantly waged against it.

