God, we are stunned and deeply troubled by the killings that occurred last week, and every week, all across our country. We lift prayers to you, asking that your Spirit intercede for us and for this world.
We mourn with those who are suffering the shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. May your Spirit give them peace.
We pray that your Church does not become polarized any more than it already is in this moment–may the Church proclaim, with words and with action, both that black lives matter and that acts of violence against public servants are wrong.
May our community and the greater Church vocalize God’s definitive “NO” to the murder of black lives. May all of us be awakened and stand alongside the black community, willing to lay aside confusion and questions and to proclaim that this epidemic of police violence must be addressed. May privilege and power be used as a means to raise awareness and demand justice. May leaders feel pressure from all who live in their communities–white, brown, black–and respond with plans to stop the destruction of black bodies.
We lift in prayer the police officers who must show up for work today, who are doing a dangerous job for too little pay, who are personally blamed for the failure of the whole system. Give them wisdom and strength as those whom we rely on to maintain composure, fairness, and a commitment to the common good. Come alongside them, Lord. Grant them protection and empower them to serve justly.
We pray for healing in communities that carry the weight of generations of broken-down relationships between law enforcement and the people they are called to serve. We lament our history of racism and pray for love in the face of violence.
May your Church and our community be afflicted in its core again for this sign of a deep sickness in our communities.
May we listen to the prophetic voices speaking truth and pleading for action.
May our prayers find footing, that we might live lives that are answers to our prayers for peace and justice.
Adapted from a prayer by Indianapolis First Friends
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