Many of us have been formed by our church experiences to believe a vision should be big, making a big impact and extending our influence. But is that true? This week, we explored the simple vision of The Practice Church. Instead of focusing on a big, audacious vision, we want to be a community drawn together by a shared desire to live more fully in the presence of Jesus as individuals and as a community.

We looked at four facets of this vision in the coming year. We want to cultivate spaces to encounter God’s presence. We want to explore and surrender obstacles to living in God’s presence, and we want to be on the lookout for ways we can join God’s kingdom work in the world.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to offer prayers of intercession. Let’s hold ourselves and our community in God’s presence as we seek to live into this vision for our church. 

You can find the Order of Practice here.

Additional Resources

Renovated by Jim Wilder
Attached to God by Krispin Mayfield
With by Skye Jethani
Charles De Foucauld

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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If you are committed to being a part of the local Practice Church community, would you take a moment to join the Core Team 

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