Last night, we rested firmly in the mercy of our good God. The opening liturgy led us deep into the Kyrie Eleison. This ancient prayer is based on those in the Gospels who cried out to Jesus, “Lord, have mercy.” I was reminded that Frederica Mathewes-Green taught us the Biblical cry for mercy is a prayer for healing.

Then our very own Ashlee Eiland led us with a teaching on God’s great mercy and our invitation to respond by letting go of selfishness, pride, and superiority in order to truly forgive one another. She guided us through four steps of forgiveness: naming the offense, seeing our own sin, experiencing God’s great mercy, and seeing the offender as God sees him or her. Then Lori led us in the practice of centering prayer as a way to rest in God’s presence before we turned to the table, the ultimate picture of God’s loving mercy.

Have a listen to the full teaching and practice.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to pray the be-loved breath prayer and allow it to lead us into a time of centering prayer. As we rest firmly in God’s presence, the love and mercy of God takes root deep in our souls.