What a beautiful night of entering into the joy of the Easter season. Our opening liturgy carried us into the celebration of Easter in song and scripture. Then our good friend Sibyl Towner guided us in a contemplation on the risen Christ.

We acknowledged there is work we cannot do for ourselves, stones we need rolled away by God’s work of resurrection. Some of us are like Thomas who longed for the stone of doubt to be rolled away. Some of us are like Mary longing to be known, to hear Jesus speaking our name. Or maybe the stone we need to be rolled away is fear or confusion, or perhaps we need to hear the gracious words of Jesus in response to our failures.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue hold space for the resurrection we long for in our lives. When Jesus appeared to the disciples following the resurrection, he always met them in their point of need. This week, let’s expect Jesus to meet us too.