What a gift it was to welcome Jonathan Martin back to The Practice! We opened ourselves to the presence of the Good Shepherd through a beautiful opening liturgy. Then Jonathan shared a profound invitation from Jesus. Jesus invites us, just as he invited the first disciples, to touch and see. (Luke 24:39)

When the resurrected Christ appeared to them, the disciples were confused and trying to understand what was happening. They were afraid. They wondered if Jesus was a ghost. Even in their joy the scriptures say were “disbelieving and wondering,” but Jesus simply responded, “Do you have anything to eat?” So much of our Christian life is lived in our heads, trying to figure it all out, but Jesus asks us to come bodily to him, to be fully present with him. The more embodied our faith becomes, the more it will be built on a personal encounter with the risen Christ. It is through touching and tasting, Jonathan said, that we will see.

We then practiced an embodied Lectio Divina, engaging our whole body in a contemplation of Psalm 34:4-9, which brought us to the ultimate opportunity to “taste and see that the Lord is good” at the communion table.

Friends, if you missed last night, please make space to engage the podcast and practice this week.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue respond to God’s invitation to taste and see. How might God be inviting you to take a step into a more embodied faith this week?