Last night, we began our journey together through the season of Lent. Lent is a season of preparation. We reflect on our humanity and brokenness and embrace God’s loving invitation to repent in order to be ready for the joy of Easter.

In our time together, Kimberly Pelletier helped us examine repentance. How have we sought to meet a valid need in our life with something less than God? In what ways are we trying to control that need, and how might Jesus be inviting us to let go and turn to him? Kimberly guided us in an imaginative prayer that was deeply meaningful. It was an embodied prayer, helping us connect to the Lord’s invitation with our whole selves.

Kingdom Practices
As Kimberly said last night, repentance is a turning. We turn from something we use to seek security, affection, or power to Jesus. The invitation of repentance is more than a decision. How have you noticed an invitation to repentance? How is Jesus asking you to walk toward him in this season? Will you choose this week to take one practical step of repentance?