Sunday night, we continued our journey of stillness and response as we turned to examine how God might be inviting us to respond. How are you being invited to join the work of reconciliation God is already doing in the world? We are not leaving stillness behind. In fact, let’s continue to engage practices of stillness. (You may even choose to continue the outward Examenor abiding contemplation.) But let’s begin to listen for how we are being invited to join the work God is doing around us.

This week, David Bailey taught from the story of Esther and asked, “What does it look like for us to be a reconciling community in such a time as this?” It was an incredibly invitational and challenging night. The idea that God is inviting us to long for something that requires fasting and prayer continues to disturb my thoughts. This is the kind of teaching and practice that needs time, reflection, and space to listen to the Holy Spirit. If you couldn’t be with us, would you make some time this week to listen?

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to listen for God’s invitation. If you know where you are invited to join God’s workin this season, how is God refining that invitation? If you are unsure, you might return to the practice of Sunday night or even the outward Examen. And as we listen to the Spirit for our invitation, let’s continue to engage our practices of stillness.