
Mindy Caliguire

Introduction.  This week we are continuing to grow in what it means to be in community.  Last night, Mindy Caliguire shared with us her vision and understanding of spiritual transformation in relationships, something she seeks to live and breathe.  In particular, Mindy shared her heart about the difference between “life on life” relationships and “life on curriculum” relationships, challenging us to “give a flying rip” about the life of another person!  What do your small group relationships look more like?

Mindy walked us through her diagram of what transformation can look like in a group as we move from learning together, to journeying together, to following together.


She asked us to reflect on these four questions:

  • Who was (or is) pivotal in getting you established in your faith?
  • Who has helped (or is helping) you identify and practice the spiritual disciplines that bring you closer to God?
  • Who is the tribe or group that you are “following with”?
  • What is your desire in and for your relationships?

I have been thinking about these questions, and especially the last one, since last night.  As we move into our July and August “living-room Practice,” let’s spend some time thinking and praying about the last two questions in particular.

Reflecting on Relationships

(1) Lectio Divina.   We invite you to practice Lectio with Ephesians 4:11-16 and 1 Thessalonians 5:14 and listen to what God is speaking to you. 

(2) Reflection Questions.  Spend some time reflecting and praying about these two questions:

Who is the tribe with whom I can learn, journey, and follow?

What is my desire in and for my relationships?


Additional Resources

Books:  STIR: Spiritual Transformation in Relationships, Mindy Caliguire.

Spiritual Friendship, Mindy Caliguire.

Video: Why I Love Small Groups, Mindy Caliguire.
