The Invitation to Let Go

It was so great to gather virtually last Sunday night for our second ever “Practice Unplugged” gathering via Facebook Live and Zoom! In this difficult time of social distancing, it is all the more meaningful to worship, learn, and practice together, even with the...

Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers

Sunday night was our first official “Practice Unplugged” gathering via Facebook Live and Zoom! Even with some technological speed bumps, it was such a joy to gather virtually for worship, teaching, practice, and communion in this time of social distancing. Continuing...

The Practice Livestream (details and guidance)

        Not being able to gather in embodied community is hard. We miss meeting around the same table for worship, teaching, practice, and communion, but while we cannot come together in person, we can absolutely gather online. Below you will find...

Letting Go of the Lies We Tell Ourselves

Sunday night, we continued our journey through the season of Lent, The Invitation to Let Go. Ted Harro taught us that our “emotions are the truth serum to our beliefs,” which help us uncover the narratives that we believe about God, others, and ourselves. These...

The Invitation to Let Go

Sunday night, we began our journey through the season of Lent, The Invitation to Let Go. Jason reminded us that the core of our identity is rooted in our belovedness in Christ, but there are many voices surrounding us that compete with God’s voice of love. Then,...