This is the fourth contemplation in a series of imaginative prayer resources written by and recorded for The Practice community. Imaginative prayer is way of meeting with the Lord by using our imagination to enter a Gospel story. Using our imagination to experience the sights and sounds of the scene helps to bring our whole selves into the presence of Christ. The purpose of this prayer is to meet Jesus face-to-face and grow in intimacy with Him.
Our first prayer written by Father Michael brought us into the room with Mary at the annunciation. The second contemplation was a reflection on the shepherds outside of Bethlehem written by Jason Feffer, and in the third imaginative prayer written by Kellye Fabian, we joined the story of the Magi as they travel to worship the newborn king.
This fourth contemplation was written by Roselyn Heims. It is a reflection on the holy family’s escape to Egypt.
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