Last night, was a beautiful reminder of God’s loving presence. Sam led us in a beautiful liturgy of rest, and then we had the privilege of welcoming Kristen Leigh Kludt to The Practice. What a gift Kristen was for our community! She shared deeply from her story and offered how she learned through a difficult season to have the faith of an acorn.  I loved these wise words from Kristen’s spiritual director, Sister Margaret, “This earth is very old, and our God is very patient. God is a gardener. Gardeners don’t go around kicking the cabbages telling them to grow faster.”

“Life with God is not about getting it right,” Kristen said. “When we let go of striving to make ourselves perfect and let God’s Spirit do that for us, we can find solace and delight in God’s love for us exactly where we are.”

How can we slow down enough to be present to our longings in God’s loving presence? How can we trust in God’s formational work in our lives, so that like a small acorn, we can grow—even through seasons of drought—so that we may grow to have the faith of an oak?

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to creatively make space for God in our everyday lives. Let’s slow down enough to pay attention to our longings and questions. And let’s listen to what God may have to say in our questions.

Kristen’s Field Guides for the Way is an exceptionally helpful resource for making intentional space in our everyday lives. Please take a look at her resources.