Being loved by God is the foundation of our identity and the starting point of everything we do. That is why this summer we are soaking, resting, playing, and even breathing in God’s incredible, personal love for us.
This week, our good friend Father Michael Sparough guided our time reminding us we belong to Jesus and Jesus loves us in the same way the Father lavished love on Jesus. We all experience the internal voices of the deceiver and the beloved. Our desire is to recognize and turn down the volume of the deceiver so we can live in the voice of the beloved. To help us in this desire, Father Michael shared the practice of a beloved breath prayer.
Kingdom Practices
This summer, we don’t just want to soak in God’s love of Sunday mornings; we want to live and move in our belovedness in our everyday lives. This week let’s continue to set aside time each day to practice the beloved breath prayer. When we make time for a breath prayer like this each day and even return to it throughout the day, its words become like a soundtrack to our lives, constantly playing in the back of our minds. It is a way for us to take seriously Paul’s teaching to pray without ceasing, and it helps turn up the volume on the inner voice of the beloved. If it is helpful, you may use the guided practice from Sunday below. You can sit back and let Father Michael lead you in the practice, or you can certainly guide yourself.
You can find the Order of Practice here.
If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it!
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