We are being formed by our political engagement. In our journey this month, we hope to begin recognizing the ways we are being shaped by our political culture, and we will seek to embrace the alternative way of Jesus. What if our formation in Christlikeness was obvious in the way we engaged politics?

This week, Kaitlyn Schiess helped us begin the conversation. She shared two false gospels which are prevalent in our political narratives, the false gospels of security and prosperity. Then we engaged a practice to help us recognize how we have been shaped by our political engagement. If you couldn’t be with us for the start of this important conversation, please make some time this week to listen and practice with us.

Kingdom Practices
This week, we want to continue reflecting on how we are being shaped by our political engagement. As we go about our days, let’s pay attention to the pull toward the false gospels of security and prosperity. Let’s continue to notice how we are being shaped by  our culture of politics. You might even return to our practice from this week. (There are guides to the practice below.) And let’s respond to whatever invitation we sense from God.


You can find the Order of Practice here.

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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