This fall, we continue to explore God’s invitation to be a hesed-shaped community. Hesed is the Hebrew word which can be translated as the tangible intersection of love, generosity, and commitment.

This week, Deirdré JVR helped us explore the spiritual practice of listening. In order to listen one another into wholeness, we must make room in our lives to listen. We do this by creating space to listen to ourselves and allow God to listen to us.

Our invitation this week is to create this space, to make time each day for the first part of the practice Dré guided (guide below), and to look for opportunities to listen to others in our everyday lives.

You can find the Order of Practice here

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If you are committed to being a part of the local Practice Church community, would you take a moment to join the Plant Team 

We also shared this week the invitation to nominate members for the new council. Would you pray and consider who God might be inviting you to nominate?

If you would like to stay up to date on The Practice Church, join the Practice mailing list.  

And a guide for our practice this week can be found below both in video and audio formats.