Practice week 2

Practice week 2

Kingdom Practice
Week 2


This week, we are practicing noticing where the kingdom of God is manifest.  “To notice” means to perceive, become aware of, or acknowledge acquaintance with.  Noticing the kingdom of God is the first step to seeking the kingdom of God (Mt 6:33).  The kingdom of God can be sought after in our ordinary moments, daily routines, and day-to-day relationships.  But so often, in our busyness and constant movement, or in our sin and inattention, we fail to see it.

Starting each day with a prayer and then ending each day by writing down the ways in which you saw the kingdom of God in that particular day – whether in a person, a set of circumstances, a moment, or a place – allows you to become increasingly aware of the ways in which God’s kingdom is already apparent in our world, and the ways in which you can begin to participate in it.


As you practice noticing this week, remember Jesus’ promise:  “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks, finds.  And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”  (Mt 7:7-8)

Here is one way to engage in the practice of noticing:

Pray.  Each morning when you first wake up, pray this simple prayer: God, please give me eyes to see and ears to hear Your Kingdom today.
Read.  Allow God to speak about the Kingdom through the Scripture listed below using the Lectio Divina practice – read once, then sit silently for a minute and listen for the words or phrases that stand out to you; read a second time, ask God what area of your life these words or phrases relate to, and listen for two minutes; read a third time, ask God if there is an invitation or next step related to the words or phrases, and listen for two minutes.
Write.  Each night before bed, take a few minutes to write down where you saw God’s kingdom during your day.  When you are done, express your gratitude to God for opening your eyes to his kingdom.

Daily Scripture Readings

Monday:  Matthew 13:33
Tuesday:  Matthew 13:44-46
Wednesday:  Matthew 13:47-52
Thursday:  Matthew 18:23-35
Friday:  Mark 4:26-29
Saturday:  Mark 4:30-32

Additional Resources

Book:  Living in Christ’s Presence: Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God, Dallas Willard,

Video:  The Kingdom of God, teaching by Dallas Willard

Videos: The Kingdom of God.  A compelling (and fun) 3 minute explanation…