On Sunday, we finished our series, Encountering God. In the last two months, we have steeped ourselves in the character of God as it is described in Exodus 34:6-7. We have sought to have a real encounter with the compassion, grace, slowness to anger, loyal-love, and faithfulness of God in this season. This week, we focused on the final verse in our passage. I am so grateful for the way Nicole guided us to see God’s words in greater context so we might lean even more intentionally into God’s incredible character.

Kingdom Practices
Our practice this week was a particular examen as we prayerfully reviewed our experiences of God through this series. Our invitation this week is to dwell with whatever characteristic we have been encountering God through, or if we are struggling to encounter God in this season, let’s continue in conversation with God.

You can find the Order of Practice here.

If you have a story to share about how you have been encountering God in this season, we would love to hear it

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