Sunday night was such a gift! Warren and the Judson Choir guided our liturgy and led us beautifully into the heart of God. Then we explored the spiritual practice of simplicity with Ashlee Eiland. Friends, the more I sit with this practice, the more I realize how central it is to a life with God. Simplicity, Ashlee said, helps us to mend what is disconnected in our lives. She invited us to examine: what master are we serving, what are we not leaving space for in our excess, and to what might we be addicted?

If you couldn’t be with us last night, please listen to the podcast and make time to engage this important practice.

Kingdom Practices
This week, would you continue to reflect and pray about how God might be inviting you into the practice of simplicity? What was God drawing to your attention? Was it an invitation to serve one master, to bear good fruit, or inherit eternal life? Did God bring to mind any specific space where you desire or need greater simplicity? If you struggled to identify a space, would you continue to pray and listen? Perhaps God will show you something as you listen this week.