For nine months (nine months!) we have been walking through the themes of the Spiritual Exercises. We rested deeply in God’s personal and creative love for us and owned the sorrow of our inadequate response. We engaged the life and teaching of Jesus as we used our imagination to enter the Gospel texts. (You can find the imaginative prayers Father Michael mentioned here.) We joined the suffering of Jesus on the journey to the cross, and we celebrated the fully embodied resurrected Christ.

Last night, Father Michael beautifully brought our nine-month journey to a close leading us in the four-part contemplation of God’s love. “God’s love,” he taught, “is expressed in deeds not words.” It is marked by mutual sharing. It was a beautiful night. If you weren’t able to join us, I would encourage you to make some time this week to engage this four-part practice.

Kingdom Practices
This week, let’s continue to contemplate how we are called to embody God’s love. How might God be inviting you to respond and express love in deeds rather than in words alone?