This retreat is modeled after an annual retreat led by Amy Jackson at The Perch. The Perch helps exhausted people
connect with God to rest, find peace, and experience transformation. These experiences are used with permission.
Please consider checking out the wonderful ministry of The Perch.

Invitation #2: 2021 Examen

Materials: Nothing is necessary but some may find a journal and pen may be helpful.
Time: 15-30 minutes


Now that we have remembered the events of 2021, let’s take our reflection deeper by examining the year with God. In this practice, we will consider the highlights and lowlights of the year and pay attention to where we noticed God.

Resting in God’s loving presence
Let’s begin by taking a deep breath and remembering that God is always with us. In Matthew 28, Jesus promised to be with us always, even to the very end of the world. God is always with us. There is no where we can go where God is not with us. Take another deep breath. God is closer than the air we breathe.

And God is not only with you. God loves you. The Bible teaches there is nothing that can separate us from God’s love. There is nothing we can do and there is nothing anyone else can do to make God stop loving us. Take another deep breath and rest for one minute in this truth. You are God’s beloved child.

Reviewing the year in gratitude
As you look back on this last year, for what are you grateful? You might look back at your previous reflection, or you might start fresh. As you think about the events and experiences of this last year, for what do you want to thank God? Use these next moments to name that for which you are grateful. Take two minutes to review 2021 in gratitude.

Noticing the highs and lows of 2021.
Let’s now take a few moments to notice the highs and lows of 2021.

Let’s begin with the highs. What are some of the great experiences of 2021 for you? What are some of your favorite memories? As best as you can do this without judgment. Just notice the high points of the year. And as you do, consider how you noticed God with you. Did God seem to be with you or did God seem absent in these moments? Take one minute to reflect.

Now let’s consider some of the lows. What were some of the low points of the year? What were some of your least favorite moments? Once again, try to do this without judgment. Just name the low points of the year. And as you do, consider how you noticed God with you. Did God seem to be with you or did God seem absent in these moments? Take one minute to reflect.

Conversation with God
Now we want to have a conversation with God about one of these moments. It may be a high point or a low point, a moment God seemed near or one when God seemed far away. Is there one moment that stands out, one event or experience you are feeling drawn to spend more time with now? Take these next three minutes to have a conversation with God. Is there a question you have or something you want to say to God? Use this time to have a conversation. Speak to the Lord, and listen for God’s response.

Looking forward
In this final movement of our prayer, let’s turn our attention forward. Is God inviting us to respond in any way? Are there any practical steps you want to take based on what you noticed? It is okay if there is not, but let’s take a moment and listen. For one minute, listen to God and consider if there is an invitation for you to carry with you from this time with the Lord.