It was wonderful to have Kellye share her experience with the practice of sacred questions and to engage in the practice together. We looked at the questions people asked Jesus in the Gospels and noticed that these were not simple questions seeking some information. They were questions that arose from deep in a person’s heart after an encounter with Jesus.

Kellye invited us to begin reading scripture with an ear toward what questions surface deep within us as we encounter Jesus in the text. When we read this way, we encounter the real presence of God in the Bible, and it is in God’s presence that we are formed.

Kellye explained reading while listening for sacred questions is a daily practice. We begin with a prayer, acknowledging, “Here I am,” ready to encounter God in the text. Then we read a large chunk of scripture and listen for the questions that arise, and bring those questions to God in prayer. Finally, we bring our questions and what we have heard from God to community.