What a joy it was to have Father Michael with us last night! Father Michael managed to both introduce the Examen to those of us unfamiliar with it, and take those who were familiar more deeply into its practice. A holy habit of practicing the Examen, Father Michael explained, seeks to change our consciousness so that we become more aware that we are always in the presence of God.

After an introduction, Father Michael led us into a particular Examen, one that helps us to examine a virtue God is inviting us to develop or some sin with which we are struggling. We can form our prayer around the examination of this vice or virtue in a way that invites God into our work, so that our growth is formational, flowing through God’s work in our everyday life.

As we set aside time to pray this week, will you consider praying the Examen God invited you to pray last night? The steps of The Examen are:

Step 1: Become aware of and rest in the loving presence of God
Step 2: Review the day in gratitude
Step 3: Review the day in God’s presence, giving attention to the
virtue or vice God is inviting you to examine
Step 4: Chose one moment of the day to pray from
Step 5: Look forward to the day to come

You may also find it helpful to explore the Examen version of A New Liturgy. It includes some teaching from Father Michael and a guided Examen.