What a gift it was to have Carolyn Arends and Lacy Borgo with us Sunday night! Carolyn joined the band to help guide our opening liturgy, and Lacy walked us through the holy practice of spiritual direction. “It is a remarkable thing,” she said, “to tend to the presence of Christ in another person.” Lacy shared how spiritual direction helps us to pay attention and lean into God. In direction, we find the sacred in the ordinary.

Lacy guided us through a series of reflections reminiscent of those we might engage with a spiritual director. We listened to God in two texts (Acts 8:26-39 and Luke 24:13-35) and explored a childhood image of God. Lacy helped us engage our imaginations as we drew our reflections in crayon.

If you weren’t able to be with us, please make some space this week to listen and engage this practice.

This week, let’s continue to tend to the presence of God in whatever surfaced for us our reflection, and if let’s also consider if God might be inviting us to explore spiritual direction as a practice. If you are interested in finding a director, you can explore the following sites:

Network of Evangelical Spiritual Directors
Evangelical Spiritual Directors Association
Sustainable Faith