Finding Our Sabbath Rhythm

Guest Post by David Schmidt As I write this, an early morning fog hugs the surface of Long Lake here in northern Wisconsin.  An occasional loon call and squawk of a blackbird punctures the quiet.  The leaves on the trees, near their peak now, immerse me in a world of...

God’s Goodness on the Sabbath

A couple weeks ago, in the midst of my Sabbath day, God caught me totally off guard with a moment.  In this moment, I tasted his goodness in a way that surprised me and delighted me.  I hadn’t planned for it or expected it, but suddenly, there it was.  It rushed...

Sunday Reflections, October 5, 2014

Sabbath and Identity I left our gathering last night wondering: What if God is actually good?  I know this is a strange thing to ponder as a follower of Jesus and someone who has experienced God’s goodness.  But, as much as I believe that God is good, I...


Rest.  What a wonderful word.  My soul longs for deep rest.  The kind of rest that allows my mind to settle, my eyes to open, my body to still, and laughter to come easily.  The kind of rest where I remember that I am not holding the world together.  The kind of rest...